Wednesday, August 16, 2017

The Snow Owl Cold Brew Coffee

* Made with Owltonio Blend coffee beans (Philippine Arabica x Robusta x Excelsa)
* Freshly ground using a Hario Coffee Mill Ceramic Slim
* Brewed for 16 hours
* Triple-filtered (built-in cold brewer filter + sieve + Hario V60 w/ paper filter)
* Brewed in batches of 5
* Served in 16 fl oz mason jars
* Only 5 servings available per day
* Php 100/serving
* Sweet, smooth, and refreshing with the very distinct Owltonio Blend coffee taste
* Sold exclusively at Cafe Antonio Maahas branch

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

New Logo for 2017

So we finally decided on the "owl" theme for the logo since the cafe is full of owls anyway. Thanks to graphic artist, Jeg delos Reyes, for designing this!