Sunday, August 24, 2008

An "Adventurous" Birthday (in the words of Dan)

Joey Ramone tells you to buy our ChocNut Frothiccino!

Welcome to Cafe Antonio! We had nothing to do so we made cartoon cut-outs of ourselves. That's Dan, me, and Retz.

Happy 21st bday Dan! Go ahead and enjoy your new friend. We surprised him yesterday by opening early and adjusting the clock 30 minutes ahead. Ate Marisse baked a chocolate cake and eclairs. Joyce and the guys gave Dan a flashlight, hand fan, and small bag from Japan Home Center. Then we gave him the Joey Ramone action figure wrapped in a makeshift cardboard guitar filled with newspaper, a couple of metal bars, and a 1.5 liter Coke bottle we put inside a guitar case so it would appear that we would be giving him a bass guitar. But he wasn't disappointed at all, he loves his Joey Ramone!

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